Archive | December, 2012

27 weeks

19 Dec

Baby is on the move! Almost every night when I finally lay down Mr. Baby practices gymnastics. It is the feeling of having an alien in your body. It’s kind of awesome. And he is the size of a head of cauliflower.


At our last ultrasound Mr. Baby decided that regardless of what the tech needed to take pictures of, he thought his behind should be photographed. She kept trying to move him out of the way or turn him with the little ultrasound wand, but somehow he figured out how to get his behind front and center. I had to laugh when we left because I could just imagine him sticking his little tush out and asking “is this what you’re looking for?” “Did you get this?” “Oh excuse me is my butt in the way?” More fun to come I’m sure.

2012-12-03 10.12.48

{Not his behind}

More stats: he’s currently breech, keeping that behind down and his legs over his head. The ultra sound tech told us that her granddaughter spent all of her time in utero with her legs over her head and when she made her arrival he legs would keep shooting back up so they had to put little sandbags on them to stretch the muscles out. He is in the 54th percentile for height and weight (thank you Jesus, my husband is 6’5).


  • How far along? 27 weeks
  • Total weight gain: 16.2 lbs
  • Maternity clothes?  I hate maternity pants so I’m getting along fine with stretch pants and dresses/sweaters. I did buy a new winter dress coat because buttoning my other one was becoming problematic.
  • Stretch marks? Not yet
  • Sleep: pretty well, for some reason I don’t need to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night anymore.
  • Miss anything? Not annoying pants
  • Movement: He is bouncing around as I type this, he gave Josh a good kick earlier this week; take that Dad!
  • Food cravings: Still probably eating too many sweets, still can’t decide if it’s lack of self control, cravings, or just the holidays.
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: I still don’t eat many cooked veggies
  • Gender: BOY!
  • Labor signs: no
  • Symptoms: is weight gain a symptom
  • Belly button in or out? In. It has a long way to go if it’s going to be an outie.
  • Wedding rings on or off? On and actually pretty loose right now.
  • Happy or moody most of the time: pretty happy, I’m liking this part of being pregnant and still no random hormone freakouts lately.
  • Looking forward to: unabashedly wearing stretch pants throughout the holidays.

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